With the start of the Fall 2023 NMM Live! series just around the corner, we have some fantastic news for music lovers around the world.
Starting with the season's inaugural concert on September 8th, the NMM will be broadcasting future NMM Live! performances and other special events live on our very own website, free of charge!

Thanks to the continuous support of our musical sponsors including the USD Student Government Association and the South Dakota Arts Council through the Department of Tourism, the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as the ongoing support of NMM members, patrons, and friends like you, we are able to bring the sights and sounds of the Janet Lucille Wanzek Performance Hall to computer screens across the globe.
With wonderful acoustics and integrated audio and video hardware, the Wanzek Performance Hall is a fabulous setting for both historic and modern performances, from intimate clavichord soloists to jazz combos and everything between. Our NMM Live! lineup includes performers from near and far, and we hope will help bring you some unexpected tastes from the world of musical instruments.
The NMM Live Video homepage will offer a feed of performances available on demand, including recordings and selections from past NMM Live! events and other NMM media. Upcoming livestreams will be shown at the head of the video feed, with their time listed. Simply clicking on an available video will launch the video player, allowing you to view the stream in full screen mode!

Information on which events will be available for live-streaming will be included on the main Events page - https://nmmusd.org/events - as well as on the individual pages for specific events. On the Events page, those events included in the live-streaming schedule will feature a blue banner on the event image, and at the head of the individual event's page.

We hope that making these concerts accessible online will help our NMM Live! series reach audiences that it may otherwise never touch. From those who live far away, to those who cannot travel, or even you music lovers who simply can't carve out an hour in the middle of the day to come grab a seat.
As with all new things, there might be a few hiccups our first few times through. But hey - it's free - so you get your money's worth either way. If you do run into any unexpected snags, don't hesitate to reach out to us at nmm@usd.edu with comments or concerns. In the meantime, stay tuned, and get ready to experience NMM Live!
It is our mission to explore, enjoy, and preserve the world of musical instruments. Open up your browser and enjoy it with us!
If you are interested in contributing to help keep this service free, or to support other ways the NMM shares the world of musical instruments, please contact Carol Robertson at 605-658-3452 or carol.g.robertson@usd.edu.
Please note that due to copyright restrictions, not all live-streamed performances will be archived or available on demand. Please consult individual event listings for specifics. If you are a person with a disability and need a special accommodation to fully participate, please contact Disability Services at least 48 hours before an event. Students and the public can contact Disability Services at 605-658-3745 or disabilityservices@usd.edu. Faculty and staff should contact Human Resources at 605-658-3660.